Who we are

The Black Banner is a all-class, casual-friendly, EU-based roleplaying guild in the Warhammer Online MMORPG, on the [EN] Karak-Norn Core server.


We are a Destruction guild and we accept every race and class (though we could use more tanks and healers ;) ).


RP elements are the central elements that we look for. We started on an RP server (Burlok). We are not RP Nazis, although we do ask for a certain amount of IC play, participation in forum based RP, development of character concept and backstory, participation in guild organized RP events, etc. You do not have to be IC 100% of the time, and our guildchat in WAR is OOC. RP is there to accentuate our fun, not to represent the only fun that we have. Call is RP-Lite if you want. In-character talk and behaviour is encouraged in all situations where others around you can hear you, such as /say. /yell, /shout etc. Remember, though, you are not on your own there, but representing all of us.


WAR is obviously PvP and RvR orientated, and we will obviously work hard to make our guild as good and effective as we can be. However, we will acknowledge the PvE elements of the game as EQUALLY important to some players as PvP, so will not neglect them in any way. If you want to avoid PvP completely, you will find people who are more than happy to play PvE with you instead.

Note that all the negative connotations that come into existence with a PvP orientated game will be utterly condemned by us, and people who grief and talk in leet will be kicked and banned. PvP and RvR are elements of immersion, not a forum to prove yourself the “most uber” and ruin other people’s fun.


The greatest thing about WAR in our opinion is the richness and depth of the setting. While there is no definitive answer to this question, we will be focusing on enjoying the journey to high levels and the endgame, and not racing to it. If you want to powerlevel, that is your business, and more power to you, but it is not what we will be focusing on.
Expect a lot of exploration and lore searching in game – its all about a rounded experience for us.

Governing Setup

Our leadership is an oligarchy. The guild accepts members with divierse playstyles and goals, ranging from casual players to hardcore PvPers. Thus the necessity of a Council of officers to guarantee the representation of all possible gaming philosophies. The Council will always take into account what regular guild members think, want, request, etc. and it is its duty to ensure fairness and justice among them.

Decisions will be made to increase the fun, immersion, and pleasurable experience of the majority of the guild. Too much democracy leads to dissension and the guild members spending more time politicking and being diplomats than playing, which is unacceptable. As the game evolves, we will need to adapt and our governing setup may change accordingly.

Guild rules

We could yammer about rules and regulations for hours and hours, but basically what we all agree on is: Don't be a douchebag. What you do in your own time is your own business, but when you see a <The Black Banner> tag above your character, this means you represent all your other guildies. So carry yourself with dignity and honour, do take time to help others, show respect and respect will be given. What you do reflects upon all of us.

Important Note: We have drawn members from all across Europe, from Greece to Sweden, Poland and the UK. We expect our members to be able to communicate in english (or its greenskin slang :P) when they speak in guild chat and that they do so out of respect for other members of different nationalities.